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back to school?? A vote of NO or YES

ok.sapa nak skola balek?anyone?maybe ada or for me,i would say yes.sbb skola tu mencabar."adrenaline" kot! tp ad org will kata NO,sbb he or she will thought that sekola ne lech arr,bnyk homworks,kena bngun awal and rules dy memang perrghh!! tp itulah significance nya,school is a place for smart people,you know.sbb hanya smart people p skola,we learn so much things at of life,actually.cmna nk berkawan ngn org,seeing the world from different perspective,cmna nk handle and solve problem.tu smua kita alami kt skola kan.??contoh la,cmana kita nk buat when kita x siap omworks?ponteng kelas or tipu cegu kata  tinggal buku?atau pun brave yourself and say"saya x buat cegu,sorry"?so,kt sini kita akan belajar erti "sincerity" or kejujuran.sbb tu ada pepatah kata org yg x pernah  buat salah sebenarnya adalah orang yg rugi.bcoz we will never know our limits,our strength and ability.klu kita wat salah,so we will know kat mana kelemhan kita,kita bleh

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