
I'M really confused....
when it's about luv and your feelings...
it's not easy,like ur add math problem...'s not like u can't easily solved by..
calculate it...
it's different..
when u make a precise step..
u juz could end up hurting his or her..
feelings or even..
heart is very fragile..
it can shatter juz by a minor touch...
even juz one word..
it could change everything...

deciding bout luv never been an easy task for me...
hurting him will hurt me...but..
i can't promise him what he desire from me...
my only,beating heart...
i can' luv him as he luv me...
bcoz i luv another him more...
but i could not broke a fragile heart..
it feel like ripping ur own...
it's feel u're torture to death each time u see..
his broken,sad,upset face..
i could not see that...
i can't bear it...

so i have to choose him over another him...

if i saay yes to a...
he lit up...he cheered up...
but could i tear another hert and my own heart...
i can't stop lurving another one...while i need him like the..
air and the warmth of sun....
and the most important things...
i can't live without both of them....
but who affect more...
i'll never know..
coz i never try...

ya,i'm ded right now...
internally dead now...
i'm hurting people that i luv....
hurting myself too..
so..i' had give in...
wishing that destiny and fate
will change my life...
lit up my journey...
ease up my pain....
smoothe up the aching luv that..
i've been feeling.....
improving my life ...
into a better one...
hoping it wiill comes true....
a shooting star..
had passed...
glittering our life...
making our wishes come true....



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